Friday, April 3, 2020

Algebra Nation Independent Practice Helps

Algebra Nation Independent Practice HelpsWhen students feel ready to take their first course in algebra, there are many resources that can help them. One of the resources most often used by students is the algebra nation independent practice help. This practice helps students gain practice skills before their scheduled first algebra class.Many students begin their algebra program with independent practice. However, as they continue to complete more units of math and it is necessary for them to participate in the class, they often become bored with independent practice and find it more beneficial to take math quizzes or to have a companion on their test. Many students are unsure how to prepare for this preparation time and so they skip the practice time.This can create problems for students taking algebra nation because they are going to be wasting valuable time when they could be focused on learning. Fortunately, there are online practice tests that can show students how to take prac tice math.Although independent practice help is usually free, students should be aware that often students can get online practice tests. These practice tests are normally offered by the classroom teacher or at the teacher's office. Students can use these online tests to practice independent practice. Students will also be able to gain practice on math concepts and skills that they have not seen in the algebra or advanced courses.As students work on independent practice, they can learn many important skills that can benefit them throughout their life. They can learn which questions will work best for them and when. They can choose to use real questions that are part of their studies. Or they can use quizzes or essays.Another great thing about independent practice help is that students can work at their own pace. Many independent practice tests will let students start with a practice question and then move onto a practice answer and then end with a practice question. This allows stud ents to work at their own pace and not feel rushed.Using independent practice is a great way to ensure that students can understand the concepts before taking their first algebra classes. Students can learn by doing and they will learn more quickly if they can do it independently. Independent practice help also gives students the ability to study at their own pace. Independent practice is just one of the ways that algebra nation independent practice help can benefit students.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Cest la Fête Nationale French Vocabulary for Bastille Day

Cest la Fête Nationale French Vocabulary for Bastille Day Sign up successful The Bastille was a fortified prison where political prisoners were usually kept some even without the formality of a trial. There were seven prisoners on that fateful  July 14  when a crowd of angry and determined Frenchmen forced the gates open and released them. This was the beginning of the French Revolution. Within twenty days, feudalism was abolished and a little later the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was proclaimed. Prior to the French revolution, French society was divided into three very distinct classes: the clergy, known as the first estate, the nobility, or the second estate, and finally the third estate, the common people. The clergy and nobility were the smallest and also the richest classes, while the third estate lived in extreme poverty. For the French populace, the Bastille stood as a symbol of the corruption behind the wealth and power of the clergy and nobility. When the  common people initiated the revolution,  it  symbolized the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of the French Republic. It was in 1880 that July 14th was chosen as a national holiday, or Fête Nationale. Bastille Day Today The French celebrate Bastille Day with a lot of fervor and gusto. On the morning of  le quatorze juillet,  a multitude gathers at the Champs Élysées, waiting for the oldest and the largest military parade in Europe. The President of the French Republic attends the event which consists of both the parade of troops on foot, mounted troops, and motorized troops. The spectacular firework display to celebrate the occasion starts in the evening,  usually around 11:00 pm, and lasts for about thirty minutes. The fireworks in Paris  are particularly captivating; the resplendent Eiffel Tower glows in the mist as  the decorative ponds of Trocadéro reflect bright balls of fire. Another amazing event is a big concert by the Orchestre Nationale de la France  which takes place at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and stars renowned, international artists. This  is a free event that takes on a new theme each year. The Firemens Ball in selected fire stations is another interesting activity, and the festivities can last until 4:00 am. There may be an entrance fee or a donation requested  to improve the working condition of the staff. Interestingly the Bastille Day celebrations are held in other countries. Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, United Kingdom, and United States of America, among others celebrate this day each year. Over fifty cities in USA have events to mark the occasion. Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco, Seattle, and St. Louis have different kind of festivals. These events are typically organized with the help of the French Cultural Center or Alliance Française located in these cities. Mostly the festivities revolve around fine wining and dining. French Vocabulary for Bastille Day Now lets take a look at some French vocabulary related to the Bastille Day. First of all,  Bastille Day is called le quatorze juillet  or la fête nationale. You do not wish a Happy Bastille Day in French. Its not the custom. The French Revolution is la Revolution Francaise. Republic is la Republique. The French flag is le drapeau tricolore. Fireworks are le feu dartifice. A military parade is le defile. The homeland is la patrie. Long Live France is Vive la France. The Storming of the Bastille is la Prise de la Bastille. The Eiffel Tower is la tour Eiffel. The French national anthem is La Marseillaise. Now that you have a bit of history and vocabulary, you can celebrate Bastille Day in the French fashion. Vive la France! Post Author: Annie A. Annie A. is a French instructor whose lessons are conducted exclusively online. Teaching for the past 12 years, she found her passion for the language while studying in Paris as a teenager.  Learn more about Annie here! Photos via  Yann Caradec, USAFE AFAFRICA,  Lebara Mobile Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Friday, March 6, 2020

How is a Home Tutoring Course Conducted

How is a Home Tutoring Course Conducted 7 Steps To Successful   Homeschooling In The UK ChaptersStep By Step Guide To Creating A Great Home EducationBecome A Member Of Homeschooling Support GroupsMonopolise On Your Child's Strengths And WeaknessesIncorporate Your Childs Interests And PassionsUnderstand The Best Learning Styles For Your ChildKnow What It Is That You Want To AchieveBe Clear About What Success Looks LikeResearch Everything And Be CreativeAre you at the start of your homeschooling journey and have no idea where to start. Do you feel unsure of how to create the ‘right’ curriculum for your child? Or how to ensure that you cover all parts of their educational development to give them the best possible chance of succeeding in the future?In England and Wales, educating your child with a full-time education program at home is a legal form of education, known as homeschooling. There are few restrictions or guidelines for parents or guardians that elect to homeschool their child. The 1996 Education act only states that a compulsory and full-time education is pr ovided to all school-age children over the age of 5, either in school or otherwise. Meaning that according to the law, enrolling your child in Public or private education or opting out to have them homeschooled, is not seen or treated differently as long as they are getting a suitable education. There are no homeschooling laws in the UK that will block your parental rights to choose what you think will be best for your child and you do not need to be a certified tutor to start homeschool programs.Homeschooling has many benefits, such as allowing your child the attention and flexibility of learning in a way that would be neglected in mainstream schools, due to the sheer number of students. Having the ability to use your child’s interests to create your home education schedule or curriculum, is also another huge benefit. Not to mention the safety advantages for your child, from sickness and exam stress to peer pressure and bullying. You may notice that their academic performance inc reases rapidly  if you organize a way to evaluate their progress on a regular basis.Providing your child with a full-time education. Photo Source: UnsplashIf you are thinking about alternative education such as home-schooling your child, then one of your primary considerations will be how to set up your homeschool environment, schedule and curriculum. When your child is enrolled in public schooling, everything is set out, and the child follows a national curriculum. The school has created this curriculum to guide the children to reach specific goals by the end of each school year.This is the main reason for testing, assessments and parents evenings. They have set a goal, created a plan for how to achieve this goal, and then they make a regular assessment to check if the child is on target.Although you are not required to follow the national curriculum in the UK, you can certainly use the structure of the mainstream school system as a foundation to get you started. There are also an endless amount of online homeschool resources, from lesson plans to worksheets. All of which can support your independently created  home school curriculum and planned  goals for your child.Homeschooling is not regulated; there is no central body that you can go to for advice. So while setting up your homeschool, it can appear to be an overwhelming and solitary experience. But you must realise that you are not alone. Before you start your homeschooling journey or while you are in the process of setting it up, you can look for help.You can contact other parents just like you out there who have successfully taught their children for years and will gladly share their experience, advice and understand. They will have the first-hand knowledge about what you are going through and where you are starting from.Get qualified home tutors near me here.This support will be invaluable to you, it will give you the help you need, an outlet for your questions and provide you with ideas for how to ge t started successfully. Modelling the success of other parents and homeschool curriculums, will set your mind at ease and allow you to get started confidently.You will find homeschooling and unschooling support groups online and perhaps via your local authority.Be sure you understand the differences between home education and online home schooling!Monopolise On Your Child's Strengths And WeaknessesOne of the key benefits of homeschooling for your child is that they are going to be able to have a curriculum that builds on their strengths and supports their weaknesses. You have the power to wholly create the curriculum in a way that is completely personalised to your child. Additionally, you can see where your child is excelling and where they may need some more support, and you can fill this gap to level out their skills in different areas.Knowing your child's interests and passions will also be a massive advantage to the homeschooling curriculum. If you are able to incorporate their interests and hobbies into the curriculum, you will be able to readily use this to engage your child in the learning environment. Ensuring that they wake up each day eager to study and learn all that you have prepared to teach them.Understand The Best Learning Styles For Your ChildWe all have a preference for how we learn information and this is generally via our 3 primary senses, Sound, sight and touch. Once you understand your child's learning style, you can shape the curriculum to play to their liking.If they prefer learning by sound, then you can set your curriculum to teach using music, audiobooks, and conversations etc. If they have a preference for sight, then you can teach using movies, online games, or flashcards. If their preference is learning by touch, then you can best teach them by visiting museums, physical objects or role play etc.Once you have found your child's preferred learning modality, you will discover that they will be much more engaged and learn much more n aturally than if were to ignore this.Know What It Is That You Want To AchieveNow that you have a good knowledge of your child's strengths, interests and learning style. You can begin to get an idea of what will be possible to achieve in a school year. Think about what goals you would like your child to accomplish.Would you like them to be able to speak a foreign language or learn how to read, Would you want them to understand how to do basic maths or paint landscapes. The goals that you can create are entirely your choice, but they are essential. Because you should know what outcome you would like to achieve and your child should finish the homeschool year with a definite advancement in their knowledge and education. The meaning is that each year your child should progress as you see fit towards a self-defined outcome.If your goal were for your child to learn to read by the end of the homeschool year, then you may create your curriculum to focus on reading, writing and exercises tha t will raise their confidence and skill in this area. It would be advisable to break this goal down however into bite-sized chunks which would be more achievable for the child.For example, you may plan that if you are to reach this goal. That after 3 months the child should be able to read the alphabet. After 6 months they should be able to read short words. That by month 9 they should be spelling simple words and reading picture books and that by month 12 the child can break words down and sound them out confidently.Be Clear About What Success Looks LikeOnce you have the goal broken down into achievable bite-sized pieces, you can break it down yet again and allocate these micro goals to the homeschool curriculum by week or month. If you know that at the end of the month the child should be able to read the alphabet, then it is clear that for that month your curriculum will revolve around the letters of the alphabet.It is imperative to be purposeful in your planning if you would lik e to achieve your goals, but at the same time, you should be flexible in the way that you follow the curriculum. Always taking into account the child, their preferences, strength and weaknesses.To support your child in retaining the maximum information from each of the lessons, it is essential that they enjoy their study without stress or anxiety. Although having a curriculum is advisable, you should be prepared to change it. If your child doesn’t seem to be doing well with the curriculum, you will need to adjust and improve it until they are successful. Also be ready to keep improving your approach until you are able to balance your child's learning ability and retention with their enjoyment of learning.Research Everything And Be CreativeResearch is a significant area when it comes to creating your curriculum. If you plan to teach your child at home, you have to be creative and active in how to teach them. Focusing on how to best get the message across not just for understanding but for maximum engagement and retention of the information.Tips For Researching Your Homeschooling CurriculumUse the internet to find useful homeschooling resources like learning activities.Search for online courses which could diversify your child’s learning experienceRead published homeschool books, textbooks, blogs and articlesRead about encouragement in the classroom, preparation, evaluation and record keepingEducate yourself on the topics that you would like to teach your child.Sign up to educator and teacher resource websites.Watch youtube videos for new teaching methods or curriculumLearning about ‘how to learn’ will help you maximise your child learning.Sign up for homeschooler seminars and events.Join your local home school support group or other educational support groups in your area.Sign up for homeschooling information groups on facebook or other social media.Search for institutions such as museums that have exciting programs for homeschoolers.Create the ‘right ’ curriculum for your child. Photo Source: UnsplashIf you were worried about homeschooling and how to guarantee an excellent curriculum and home education for your child, then you are not alone. All parents and guardians who decide to take the step to homeschool their children will go through some manner of uncertainty.We have shared some step by step ideas in this post for how to set up your own homeschool curriculum. We wrote this post with the aim of supporting you out of worry and towards what matters most. Teaching your child.You can start your happy homeschooling experience with this complete how-to guide!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learn How to Sing Vibrato

Learn How to Sing Vibrato Singing Lessons in Voice Vibration ChaptersWhat is Vibrato?What’s the Point in Vibrating your Vocal Cords?Advice for Achieving Vocal VibratoHow Can You Master Vocal Vibrato?Examples of Inspirational SingingIn this article, we’re not going to tell you about the rise and fall of famous opera singers but rather tell you what you need to do to learn an essential part of singing opera.  Vibrato is to singing well as Yorkshire puddings are to Sunday lunch, after all.  To go from a total unknown to a famous singer, you’re going to have to master a number of singing techniques, including vibrato.  Without it, you’ll never be able to break into the world of opera or be able to make a dent into the competitive world of televised singing competitions.However, don’t lose hope! We’re going to have a look at vibrato and vocal techniques as well as some important approaches to working on your vocal coaching.The first question you need to ask yourself is: How can you sing well? Only after you’ve answered this question c an you delve even further into the idea.It’s not always easy to gain a perfect control of your sternum and hold a consistent note. In addition to learning how to do this, you’ll also need to know how to modulate your voice.  This isn’t about warbling like little old ladies who think they’ve got the voice of an opera singer but are actually making their audience’s ears bleed.To avoid being booed off stage, you’ll need to be in complete control of your windpipe and produce a constant and harmonious modulation of the frequencies being made.  If you can’t manage this, you may as well remain silent since this isn't something you can emulate.Do you have aspirations of singing? Would you like to be a soloist or part of a vocal ensemble? (Source: Thibault Trillet)Vocal vibrato is reserved for the very best singers regardless of their tessitura: soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone, bass.  While vibrato is often thought of as an innate skill, this doesn’t mean t hat an aspiring singer isn’t able to learn all the different facets of the human voice. A good healthy voice, after all, is capable of learning such skills.It’s not always about finding your natural vibrato but rather finding a way to create it. It’s all a matter of airflow rate; artificial vibrato is possible although it’s not as beautiful as natural vibrato.  It’s the tensing of the thyroarytenoid muscle to change the pitch multiple times a second. This normally involves between 4 and 7 oscillations per second.If your vibrato is too slow, you’ll sound just like your grandmother (unless she was a famous opera singer, of course!).  Younger singers shouldn’t worry. Vibrato doesn’t really exist until you come of age and it develops.  In fact, you’ll need to wait until your voice breaks. Private singing lessons will be great for helping you to prepare for becoming an opera singer.A flexible head voice and the help of a singing school can also do wonders.  If despite a ll your efforts over the years, you’re still struggling to find your vibrato, you may have a problem in terms of your subglottal pressure.What’s the Point in Vibrating your Vocal Cords?It’s not just singers who work with vibrato: there are a lot of different instruments that can modulate the pitch in such a way.  String, woodwind, and brass instruments are common examples of instruments that are capable of recreating the vibrato effect. No matter which instrument you play, a private tutor will be able to help you learn these kinds of techniques.However, you should never confuse vibrato with trill. Trill is when the note is changed whereas vibrato makes semi-tonal  modifications to the note being produced.Karaoke could be a way to get over stage fright or just practise a few new techniques. (Source: can be found in choral and solo singing as well as in a variety of different styles of music like jazz, gospel, opera, etc.  The key to vibrato is maintaining a regular and sustained frequency to your vibrato.  While there are a number of important advantages to mastering vibrato, the main one is adding it to your repertoire of skills and making you more desirable as a singer.Find some online singing lessons and get help on your vibrato practice.Open your mouth as if you’re yawningRelax your muscles completely (especially your larynx)Stand up straight (your vertical posture is very important)Control your breathingSing with your diaphragmRelax your muscles completelyTry to be subtle. The best vibrato is always subtle.Gradually improve your vocal technique.Be proud of your voice.Keep in mind that a light variation in pitch is the natural way to produce a beautiful note.How Can You Master Vocal Vibrato?Where possible, this should start with musical education from a young age. Have you considered prenatal singing? There are also group classes and singing workshops you could consider.You should always warm up vocally before any kind of singing . This will help you be in full control of your voice since warming up will also ensure that your voice is in its best possible condition.  You should then think about relaxation. Relaxing your muscles and glottis. You’ll need to be ready and flighty if you’re going to keep up with your vocal colleagues.Wouldn't you rather really know how to do vibrato than just imitating it? (Source:’ll quickly hear the difference between a tense singer and those who know how to sing the piece without tiring themselves out or getting frustrated: your throat quickly becomes a worse instrument when overexerted.Singing a song will always rely on human physiology. You’ll have to work really hard since singing a song without due care and attention will quickly result in a terrible performance.Theatre classes or public speaking classes can help even the shyest singers to get over their fear and sing well in any given performance hall or room.  They can also help you articulate bet ter, regulate the tone of your diaphragm, and better perform consonant sounds if you’re singing a capella.If you really want to unwind, you should consider drum classes! Of you could consider working on your own style while playing the guitar at the same time.The third rule is to breathe correctly. Abdominal breathing is the heart of choral singing. Skimping on your breathing exercises will only make your problems (and your singing) much worse.Learning to sing in group workshops isn’t the only effective option for those wanting to train their musical ear and ensure their breathing and abs are working alongside the sounds they’re trying to produce with their mouths.The best option is to enlist the help of a voice coach who, as a quality educator, will be able to use their knowledge of music theory or speech-language pathology to help you improve.  At-home tutorials can act as a metronome for your learning process and the progress you’re making.A quality singing coach will be able to show you the best breathing exercises to accompany your music training as well as the music lessons you should use to ensure your knowledge of the theory is top notch.  Most of the tutors on Superprof offer free tutoring for the first hour of lessons so that you can see whether or not they’re the right singing tutor for you. The same goes for tutors offering tutorials for other musical instruments.There’s nothing stopping you looking for choir masters who have the same vocal range as you. e.g. soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, countertenor, tenor, baritone, bass.  As we already said, vibrato often requires the natural and innate understanding of how to use your chest. After all, the main skill is knowing how to control the balance.Finding the right expressive range and making the vibrato second nature could be one of the goals of your private singing tutorials.  A few exercises after an intensive course of lessons could help any type of singer achieve this goal.  If mak ing your head voice ring out beautifully is one of your goals, you should consider getting in touch with a private music tutor today.Even if you living in the Midlands, you can find singing lessons Manchester.Examples of Inspirational SingingEveryone has that one song or piece that inspires them when they sing. “Nessun Dorma”, anyone?  These are the kinds of pieces of music that are so powerful nobody can dislike them...However, not all singers are created equal. You’ll need to have a perfect ear, at least, and a solid foundation is musical theory in order to separate the operatic wheat from the chaff.Having a good voice and good vocal techniques could lead you to becoming a star. (Source: Thibault Trillet)Listening to the classical hits is a great way to inspire aspiring singers and help them to project their voice.  If you’re working on a voice for opera or taking opera singing lessons, you should consider the vocal techniques used in The Barber of Seville by Rossini, The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, or Der Ring des Nibelungen by Wagner.  You’ll also find Handel’s vocal ensembles really useful for learning to sing. More recently, you should also check out singers like Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and Susan Boyle. Their vocal performances have moved audiences around the world and made them superstars.  You could be the next Luciano Pavarotti or Maria Callas. You just have to take that first step!

Basic Probability - Online Math Tutoring

Basic Probability - Online Math Tutoring Probability is the chance that something will happen; there are two kinds of probability, theoretical and experimental. Experimental probability = numberofeventoccurences / (Total number of trials) Theoretical probability = (Number of favourable outcomes) / (Total number of outcomes) Example 1: Which of the following is an experiment? Tossing a coin Rolling a single 6 sided die Choosing a ball from a jar All of the above Answer: d Example 2: A number from 1 to 13 is chosen at random. What is the probability that the selected number is a prime number? Answer: Prime numbers from 1 to 13 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. Number of prime numbers = 6 Probability of selecting a prime number = 613 Example 3: What is the probability of drawing a red colored ace from a set of cards ? Answer: Total number of cards in a set = 52 Total number of red colored cards = 13 x 2 = 26 Number of aces in red colored cards = 2 probability of drawing an ace from a red colored card = 226 = 113

4 Study Tips When Youre Completely Stuck in a Rut

4 Study Tips When Youre Completely Stuck in a Rut Suzy S. Feeling burned out? Reset your brain with these helpful study tips from Chicago, IL tutor Hilary B... Do you ever feel like your brain is in a rut? It’s happened to all of us maybe there are a set of vocabulary words you just can’t seem to memorize, or a new concept you understand in theory but can’t seem to put into practice. Maybe you just don’t feel quite as sharp as you usually do. But one thing is certain feeling frustrated and angry isn’t going to help you learn anything. In fact, it’s probably hindering you. Here are four study tips to help boost your learning and get your brain out of its rut: 1. Pay attention to your state The first thing I always ask my students when they tell me they are having difficulty with focus, memorization, or comprehension is whether they drink caffeine. I ask this question because state-dependent learning is a real thing, and every student should be using it to their advantage. The principal behind state-dependent learning is simple: our brain absorbs and processes information differently depending on its state. There are a myriad of factors that can go into your brains state. Of course, there are the obvious factors like caffeine and alcohol, but there are also other factors like the music you are listening to or how recently youve had a meal. The point is to identify the state factors that help you learn, and to recreate them. So if you learn best when you are listening to the Spice Girls and drinking a cup of Earl Grey, then go for it! 2. Eat a good meal Weve all grown up hearing it: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And as much as we hate to admit it, our mothers were right on this one. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but the other meals are important too. If you find youre stuck on something, go make yourself a well-rounded meal (leafy greens included). Just the act of getting up from your desk to do something healthy will reset your brain, and a hearty, healthy meal will keep your brain going a lot longer than sheer willpower. 3. Put away the flashcards Sometimes the oldies are not always the goodies, and in the case of memorization this is definitely the case. There are many different methods for memorizing bits of information like dates, places, and vocabulary that dont involve hunkering down with a stack of index cards. Try creating a mental map of the information you need to remember visualize each bit of information as corresponding to a detail about a place you know well, like your bedroom. If that doesnt work, try processing the information differently by drawing it into a picture or incorporating it into a song. 4. Give up but make a plan for tomorrow Sometimes your brain just isnt going to do what you want it to do, no matter how many study tips and tricks you try. Maybe you didnt get quite enough sleep last night or the neighbors dog wont stop barking. Maybe you just arent feeling sharp or motivated. If you feel like youve tried everything and it still isnt clicking for you, then get up from your desk and go do something else. I guarantee using your time productively will ultimately feel better than tearing your hair out over difficulty focusing. If you need to give up for the night, then give up for the night. But always make a plan to start fresh in the morning. Decide on a time and a place you are going to pick things back up and stick to it that way you can really relax during the time between deciding to do something else and picking up where you left off. After all, sometimes you just need to let your brain do its thing. Hilary B. teaches study skills, college admissions, and essay writing in Chicago, IL. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from  Sarah Lawrence College and her  Master of Arts in Religion and Literature  from the University of Chicago. Hilary specializes in tutoring those who struggle with mild to severe ADD, ADHD, and similar academic and intellectual challenges. Learn more about Hilary here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  CollegeDegrees360

Food Groups Fruits and Vegetables

Food Groups Fruits and Vegetables Why are Fruit and Vegetables So Good for Us? ChaptersFruitVegetablesThe Best Way to Consume Fruit and VegetablesAs children, most of us can remember sitting down to dinner with a side of greens and being told that eating them would make us big and strong. Who can’t remember being told that eating carrots would help us to see in the dark?Children tend to have a love-hate relationship when it comes to eating fruit and vegetables and the sweeter the fruit or neutral tasting the vegetable, the easier it is for them to consider eating them. But, as our taste buds begin to mature, so do our love for all kinds of foods the earth has to offer.As adults, we start to enjoy the different tastes and variety that these natural foods provide as well as understand the importance of eating them. As with many things, we realise our parents were right all along. Fruit and veggies are the building block to a healthy diet.The Eatwell Guide has a huge section dedicated to these natural foods. The remnants of the government’s Five-a-day campaign launched back in 2003 is still seen today.Find out about the five food groups here.The push to consume more fruit and vegetables is a worthy one. These natural foods provide us with so many vitamins and minerals that help our bodies thrive. They are pivotal to our health and our body’s organs and processes.Children are given reasons to eat their vegetables, especially when it comes to carrots and anything green. (Source:  Brad Stallcup on Unsplash)There are so many wonderful variations of fruit and vegetables. It is hard to pinpoint all the nutrients they contain, and how they can protect, heal and maintain our bodies.Vitamin E protects our bodies from cell damage as well as being a powerful antioxidant.   Therefore, this vitamin can help to delay the ageing process of our skin.Finally, vitamin K is very important for bone and heart health; it helps our blood to clot and prevents calcium from being deposited in our arteries.These are just a few examples of the vitamins one fruit contains. The benefits of making fruit a significant part of our diet are huge! Do not underestimate the power of the right foods on our bodies. Nourishment is key.The amount of vitamins and minerals contained in fruit alone seems endless. There is a reason why we need to consume natural foods, produced by the earth; these foods cannot only sustain us but also heal and protect the body.We are now able to consume more variety of fruit than ever before. There is an abundance of choice at our local supermarket from oranges, bananas and apples to passion fruit and mangos; we can make the most of all the benefits fruit can provide.Another great, nutritious example is the banana: a fruit that has become a staple in so many people’s diets, even babies love them! What are the benefits of eating this yellow food?The banana is a staple fruit in a lot of people's diets. (Source:  Pop Zebra on Unsplash)Bananas are not just a great source of carbohydrate and fibre; they also contain the miner als, potassium and B6. Potassium allows the body to regulate water and acid in both the blood and tissues. It is also great to build muscle, keep nerves working correctly and help our kidneys to filter blood.B6 is a mood regulator, helping the body to produce two hormones called serotonin and norepinephrine both helping to prevent depression and cope with stress. If that wasn’t enough, it also helps our bodies to create melatonin, a hormone to boost a healthy internal clock and sleep patterns.Comparing bananas with passion fruit, the benefits are different yet again. Passionfruit is a great source of vitamin B3 (niacin) and iron. Vitamin B3 can boost brain and digestive functions as well as help to lower cholesterol and the pain of arthritis.It very easy to have a colourful fruit bowl and consume many different fruits on a daily basis. Fruit can help us in so many different and natural ways.Get the help of a nutritionist near me here.VegetablesMoving onto vegetables now and, like fruit, there is a multitude of them to choose from. A good way to separate vegetables is by their colour and leaves.Green vegetables for example, especially the leafy ones, such as kale, broccoli and spinach are rich in vitamins C, K and E similar to kiwis but they are also high in calcium, B vitamins and antioxidants.Another great example is orange and yellow vegetables as these tend to be full of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables including corn, sweet potato, peppers and carrots are high in vitamin A (great for eye health and the maintenance of teeth, bone and tissue), potassium, zeaxanthin (prevents retina damage) and flavonoids (brain protection).Carrots are considered the best source of beta-carotene found in vitamin A so they really do help us see in the dark! A raw carrot makes a perfect snack or why not add one to a smoothie. Just a  few alternative ways to get the daily intake of nutrients if having them cooked with evening meals is not your thing.Butternut squash is also a great source of these vitamins and minerals and an ideal ingredient in soup, especially during the winter months.The colour red also reveals a lot  about the nutritional contents. Tomatoes (although technically a fruit) are a great example. Just one tomato contains  high quantities of lycopene, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which is great for our skin, helping to prevent clogged pores and breakouts as well as reducing blood pressure.The Best Way to Consume Fruit and VegetablesEating more fruit and vegetables is great for the body but going one step further is to understand the best time and form of these natural foods that will have the most benefit for your health.Fruit is best consumed in the morning, preferably after a drink of water and throughout the day 30 minutes before a meal and 2 hours after. This seemingly strict period to eat fruit is because, at any other times, the nutrients may not be absorbed properly.There is no problem, however, in mixing yoghurt or cereal with fruit. It is also important to eat fruit as quickly as possible once cut to prevent losing vital antioxidants and fresh and frozen fruit is better than tinned.Check out the nutritionist courses here.Colourful fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. (Source:  Thomas Martinsen on Unsplash)The same goes for vegetables. Frozen vegetables still provide plenty of nutrients but if they are chopped before freezing, they will always contain fewer nutrients. With vegetables, it is best to avoid boiling them as most as the nutrition ends up in the water rather than the vegetable. The best way to cook vegetables is to steam them but roasting is another option especially Mediterranean vegetables.Interestingly, some vegetables are, in fact, better cooked. These include the red coloured vegetables previously mentioned, containing the antioxidant, Lycopene. The cooking process breaks down the cell walls producing more of the mineral.Generally, placing fruit and veget ables at the heart of our diets is a step to becoming happier, healthier people.The benefits described by eating these types of fruits and vegetables is not an exhaustive list. Each piece of fruit or portion of vegetables can contain other benefits aside from the ones mentioned. It really is remarkable the amount of natural goodness and remedies these natural foods provide.Although we have plenty of choices when it comes to fruit and vegetables, it is a good idea to buy local, seasonal produce. In doing this, we can support local, farming markets, avoid plastic packaging  and reduce the food’s mileage. This is not to say, we should stop eating fruit and vegetables that have come from outside of the UK but be mindful about where produce can be purchased if there are choices in the area.Another option available to us is growing them ourselves. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a garden or an allotment close enough, especially those that live in the city but if this option is po ssible, growing fresh fruit and vegetables can be a hugely beneficial and a rewarding experience.Understanding what natural foods need in order to grow and provide for us is something that we often lack in the modern world we live in but it can be liberating, helping us to save money, reduce our carbon footprint and make us less reliant on over packaged food.Read about proteins in diet here.Find out about fats in diet here.Discover more about dairy's role in our diet here.